3 Challenges Faced by an SEO Company in 2017


It has become a highly challenging role for an SEO company to provide a relevant rank of their client’s websites on the search results of various popular search engine sites on the web. Proper advertising is extremely important for promoting the goods and services of a company effectively in the market. Below have been discussing the three challenges that will be faced in 2017 by the firms providing search engine optimization services to the biggest organizations in the market.

1. Unable to generate the required links:

This is one of the major challenges that the firms providing SEO Services will have to face in the year 2017. Companies that have managed to gain huge links towards their website may not be able to acquire the same amount of links without investing a huge sum of money. The popularity of a website will greatly depend upon the input made by the web developers, designers and content writers of specific agency providing search engine optimization services.

What must be done to overcome this situation?

By just increasing the links towards the website of a company will not solve the purpose. A firm availing search engine optimization services must check whether the content of its website is being marketed in an effective way. Mentioning the name and address of the business in popular website will also help a great deal.

2. Link Building is handled by the PR department:

Nowadays, most of the reputed companies have a PR department that takes care of the link building activities. This is surely a bad news for the firms providing search engine optimization services. Reputed companies having an active PR department may not avail the services of SEO firms.

What is the solution to this problem?

In order to exist in the market, SEO firms have to organize workshops and thereby make the PR department aware of working together as a team. The ultimate aim of the workshop must be to integrate the SEO companies with that of the PR department. The PR department of a firm must be aware that without the help of the SEO firms it can be difficult for them to achieve the target in an easier way. This will ultimately be helpful in increasing the conversion rate of the company. Working as a team will also be helpful in targeting the potential customers in the market in an effective way.

3. Work of SEO firms not being valued:

This is also one of the major challenges that will be faced by most of SEO companies in the year 2017. With the existence of in house PR department, social networking sites, etc., companies are able to attract required traffic towards their sites. This ultimately diminished the value of search engine optimization services.

What must be done to get rid of this issue?

The SEO firms must make the companies aware about the importance of unique keywords. Even though there is a shortage of Keyword data in the reputed search engines, but it will be wise for the SEO firms to research for the keywords that will help in better ranking of the website.
In order to exist in the current market, SEO Agency Manchester must implement new techniques and work as a team with the PR department.

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